Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Listen to Shane's interview on IHeart Radio's "Real Laugh Show" 104.1 FM! Tonight at 9:00pm Eastern Time.

Listen to Shane Johnson being interviewed by IHeart Radio's Miguel Colon Jr on the "Real Laughs Show" tonight at 9:00pm. Shane shares stories and insights about his recently completed Hike Across America.
 Click the link below to tune in!

Hike Across America powered by Clean the World and the Booyah Veteran Bus Project completed their 3,047 Mile Journey to raise awareness for Veteran Suicide, Veteran Homelessness, and inspire the common good of man to pursue your WHY with relentless dedication, motivation, and all out bad assery!

3,047 miles, 20 cities, 9 states, 8 tanks of gas, 10 cases of water, 1 pair of Aces shoes, 6 state parks, 3 hotels, 22 homeless shelters, 10,000 hygiene kits, 1,000 inspired homeless, over 10,000 found their Why, 50 hours of video, 15 videos, 1 documentary, 2 marathons, 8 In-N-Out visits, 1 pawn shop Nikon camera, a million mosquitoes and a thousand memories. Our Hike Across America mission is complete!

Businessman, Speaker, Marine Shane Johnson began his Hike Across America in Orlando on September 13th after being delayed by hurricane Irma.

Traveling across the country takes several days when you're driving, but running across in 65 days is a big challenge. Shane Johnson a Marine said challenges are what he lives for and as a veteran he said the work is never over even after leaving the battlefield.

"Our job is to continue to serve no matter what in any capacity forever once we take our oath to the country," said Johnson.

Johnson is also the founder of the Booyah Veteran Bus Project. Shane partnered with the Clean the World Foundation to launch this Hike Across America initiative. It targets homeless veterans and the challenges they face going from active duty to civilian life.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development estimates more than 39,000 veterans are homeless. Johnson said the number is so high due to the lack of leaders like him pushing these veterans to strive for a better future.

"We are not doing enough of what I feel that I am trying to do. It's to truly engage to get in there create jobs, create businesses, inspire them to do things to get off their buts to make things happen because they have everything they need they just need more leaders to tell them that and then push them."


Along his journey Shane shared his inspirational message of hope, persistence & responsibility at homeless shelters in over 20 cities and handed out 10,000 hygiene kits provided by Clean The World to those in need.

During his visit to Phoenix Shane spoke to the  GoDaddy team at a hygiene kit building event. Over 800 kits were put together & shipped.

Local and National news organizations such as CBS, Fox, ABC, IHeart Radio and USA Today caught up with Shane along the way to help spread the mission.

On Oct 8th Shane began running rather than hiking the 22 miles. He also entered marathons and the Trails of Glory Desert Dash ultra-marathon at Red Rock Canyon, Las Vegas. A grueling 41.5 miles of rough desert terrain with varying elevations. On the final leg of Hike Across America Shane decided to run a epic 100 miles nonstop from Malibu to Oceanside.

Shane also participated in the Las Vegas Veterans Day Parade. This parade is second in size only to New York's parade.

After completing this challenge,  Johnson will run through 4 deserts next year, that's 155 miles in seven days. He also said he hopes to inspire others to face the challenges they hope to conquer.  

Shane  has spoken at major events and corporations including Wreathes Across America, GoDaddy, Caesars Entertainment, Central Florida School of Business & Clean The World.

Associated Press award winning photojournalist Ray Tharaldson is partnering with Full Sail University to produce the documentary "3,000 Miles For Your Why" about Shane's journey  across America.

Ray has worked as an editor/photojournalist for CBS WSBT/22, Fox WSJV/28, PBS WNIT/34 and freelanced for CBN & Fox NY.

Thank you to all the sponsors and support along the way.
Track Shack
Homestar Solar Solutions
Caesars Entertainment
Wells Fargo
Best Western Hotels & Resorts
Booyah Productions
Booyah MortgageYellow Bird

And many more!

Please visit us for more information about how you can make a difference at:



For information about speaking engagements contact: Missy Burchart at: (407) 448-8538 

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