Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Shane Shares His Story at The Lubbock Salvation Army.


Traveling across the country takes several days when you're driving, but running across in 65 days is a big challenge. Shane Johnson a marine said challenges are what he lives for. Johnson and as a veteran he said the work is never over even after leaving the battlefield.

"Our job is to continue to serve no matter what in any capacity forever once we take our oath to the country," said Johnson.

Johnson is also the founder of the Booyah Veteran Bus Project. He's working with the Clean the World Foundation to launch this Hike Across America initiative.It targets homeless veterans and the challenges they face going from active duty to civilian life. Johnson has challenged himself to run 22 miles every day for 65 days. It's intended to go from coast to coast making pit stops in major cities and passing out hygiene kits to homeless veterans in need along the way.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development estimates more than 39,000 veterans are homeless. Johnson said the number is so high due to the lack of leaders like him pushing these veterans to strive for a better future.

"We are not doing enough of what I feel that I am trying to do. It's to truly engage to get in there create jobs, create businesses inspire them to do things to get off their buts to make things happen because they got everything they need they just need more leaders to tell them that and then push them."

After completing this challenge. Johnson will run through 4 deserts next year, that's 155 miles in seven days. He also said he hopes to inspire others to face the challenges they hope to conquer.  

Businessman / Speaker / Marine Shane Johnson is Hiking Across America to raise awareness for Veteran suicides and homelessness. Clean The World has partnered with Shane to supply 10,000 hygiene kits that Shane will hand out along his hike from Orlando to Camp Pendelton, CA.

To find more information and follow Shane along the hike visit us at:
Missy Burchart at: (407) 448-8538


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